March Mission Feature – Gavin Sant, Teen Challenge

How can I help another person in need?

How can I help another person held captive by forces that are way beyond me?

How can I help not just one, but many people, who are held captive by physical substance dependency, years of habitual self-abuse, existing on the fringes of society, sick, angry, ashamed, completely lost and without hope?

I can’t!!!!

But Jesus can.

There is a famous verse in Isaiah chapter 9, that speaks about - a people who walked in darkness, those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, a more literal translation being - those who dwelt in the shadow of death. This is such a vivid description of what it is to be in addiction and is also more pertinently a description of every person’s spiritual state without God.

There are forces in this world that are so powerful and way outside of our control, born in sin we don’t have the strength or reason to resist every single temptation and deception our ancient enemy throws at us; in fact we are mostly completely blind to the dangers that are out there and may even find ourselves running headlong into them with excitement and fervour. - The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble. - Proverbs 4:19 This is the reality of life walking in darkness.

Thanks be to God for his great mercy in that he had always planned to provide a way out of the darkness. 700 years after God spoke those words through Isaiah, our Saviour Jesus, the Light of the world, came to love and restore the sick and outcast, and give his own life as a ransom, showing clearly what God’s heart is for sinners - that he doesn’t want anyone to perish but to have eternal life.

This is the hope I have for the folks I regularly meet - for those walking in darkness and the shadow of death, that they would see the great light, that the Light of Christ would truly dawn in their lives, and bring the revival, the renewal, the regeneration of their life. Without this, any recovery from addiction is just a half job, an external face lift. (I would encourage any person trapped in addiction to seek recovery, and support anyone that is able to continue in it whatever way they do it.) But there really is no freedom like the freedom Jesus has achieved for us, to know full forgiveness of sin past, present and future and a freedom and power to not sin - For sin shall no longer have dominion over you - Romans 6:14. And the blessed hope of one day seeing the Lord face to face, with new bodies in Heaven. When we understand this, we know we’ve truly found the best reasons why never need to turn back to the darkness and deception again.

But as for me, am I in a place with God where His light will be seen in me? Am I turning from sin in my heart to truly seek God’s face? Am I eager for breakthroughs, and spiritual renewal and revival in my life, and my home, and my church?

As I serve in this ministry, I am so aware of the need for God to truly move in power to change lives, and even more of my need for it to start with me.


Gavin is a support worker for Teen Challenge Dorset, a ministry that seeks to bring the hope of Christ to men and women trapped in addiction. They have residential centres around the UK where individuals can detox from drugs and drink and learn about and experience the love that God has for them, and to have another chance at life.

If you are affected by addiction and would like help, contact us

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